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September's Monthly Theme- TAPAS/Self-discipline

We're so excited to introduce our theme for the month! Before we understand Tapas, let’s remind ourselves of Patanjali’s 8 limbs of Yoga. 

The 8 limbs are a guide to living a meaningful life. Patanjali believed that each limb, (or branch as we’ve shown above)  combines with the next to create a pathway to a more purposeful existence. Asana, (the physical practice of yoga) is the most commonly known practice to most of the western world, but as you can see it is but one facet of a much larger practice. 

The Niyamas are the second limb or branch, and are dedicated to moral observances. 

Below is a quick peak at all five niyamas, but this month we are focusing on one in particular, Tapas, (self discipline.) 

  • Saucha - Cleanliness

  • Santosha - Contentment

  • Tapas - Self discipline

  • Svadhyaya - Self study

  • Isvara Pranidhana - Surrender to higher power

What is Tapas?

Tapas often translates as discipline or even austerity. The root of the word translates as ‘to burn,’ which could maybe even indicate a fiery passion!

In terms of the physical practice, whilst Tapas could be misconstrued as a pushing forward, it could also just be the act of having the self-discipline to get on the mat for a few minutes each day, or just showing up to sit in reflection and meditate. With so many distractions in our daily lives, and with the world at our finger tips through phones, it’s not possible to be constantly motivated. This is where discipline becomes a useful tool in the pursuit of our practice. 

Why is it important? 

Our mat is often a reflection of what’s happening off of it. Perhaps if you’re lacking in discipline on the mat, this is also mirrored in your daily life. Discipline doesn’t have to mean rigidity, but instead a commitment to yourself. Even something as simple as nourishing your body well and drinking more water! 

Perhaps if we can cultivate more Tapas in our yoga practice it can transfer off the mat. 

So what does this mean for the month ahead?! 

September is such a fantastic time to begin to cultivate Tapas. Our routines are becoming a little more consistent after summer winds down, and we’re maybe looking to streamline things a little! 

This months theme is all about getting on to your mat. You’ll notice a couple of new pre-recorded practices that centre around this too. The first being a simple self-led meditation, ‘Sit in silence.’ I will be sat with you holding the space, but you’ll be responsible for your meditation, without prompts! 

You’ll also find a new ladder flow titled ’Stay the course’- a flow practice based on the ladder flow principal of a sequence building from one asana. This practice is designed to ignite your discipline as things get a little heated! 

You’ll also find on the calendar below a suggested practice for each day of the month. These are no way mandatory, but instead a little guide to help you find practices that support the theme of the month. Remember that self-discipline also means listening to yourself and understanding when you need to rest! 

We’d also love you to join Antonia and I for our end of month round-up class on the 28th September. This practice is a co-teach, as well as a Q&A, so you’ll have the opportunity to ask us questions. We’ll also be revealing the theme for October! 

We hope you have a wonderful month ahead! 

Amy x

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